CLODAMA x Drip by Drip
Water is an indispensable resource. We drink it, use it to shower, and wash our clothes among many other things. 70% of our bodies are made up of water. Many of us are privileged to have what appears to be unlimited access to water. However, around 700 million people across 43 countries suffer from water scarcity. The fashion industry plays a big role in this scarcity with the amount it uses to produce clothes, plus the water pollution caused by fast fashion.
Sunday, March 22nd is World Water Day. This weekend, we are partnering with a Berlin-based NGO, Drip by Drip — the worlds first NGO committed to tackling water issues in the fashion and textile industries. Currently, Drip by Drip is raising funds to repair water pollution from fast fashion by implementing biosand filters in Dhaka, Bangladesh. One filter provides 90 families with clean drinking water for 10 years.
Today through Sunday, we will donate 10% of all sales to Drip by Drip. If you would like to donate directly to the cause click here.